Romania’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform, RO-ADAPT, is an innovative tool for the substantiation of the national climate change policies and strategy, as well the sectoral ones in the climate change adaptation direction of action. The platform supplies a virtual working environment with access to:
- A database updated in real time with climate and non-climate data, accessible through standardized services /APIs;
- An interactive map, with an intuitive bilingual interface (in Romanian and in English), which allows interactive exploration of the data sets published on the platform;
- An advanced geoportal with advanced GIS functionalities for data analysis and visualization;
- A collection of studies on the categories of products and services specific to the different sectors addressed, including climate indicators specific to each sector that can be used to improve ecosystem services and select and prioritize adaptation measures.
Host Organisations: Romanian National Meterological Administration
Launch date: 2020
Update status: Project running from 2020-2024
Funding: RO-ADAPT Platform was elaborated within the Project entitled “Consolidation of institutional capability for the improvement of climate change policies and adaptation to climate change effects’’, Code SIPOCA/MySMIS: 610/127579, implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MEWF), as a Consortium Leader.
Main functions of the project and platform:
- Improve knowledge level as regards the impact of climate change and uncertainties management.
- Consolidate hazard planning and assessment measures/actions.
- Accelerate actions aiming to adapt to climate change effects
- Increase global resilience to climate change effects
Intended audiences:
Open to those interested
Focus sectors for the platform:
- Water Resources
- Forestry
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Population, public health and air quality
- Education and awareness
- Cultural heritage
- Urban Systems
- Agriculture and rural development
- Energy
- Transport
- Tourism and recreational activities
- Industry
- Insurance
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