
The AdapteCCa platform is a platform for exchange of information on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change facilitates coordination and transfer of information, knowledge and experiences.
Credit: Jorge Fernández Salas (Unsplash)


The AdapteCCa project is an initiative of the Spanish Climate Change Office and the Biodiversity Foundation , which, together with the responsible Units  on adaptation to climate change of the Autonomous Communities, identified the need for a tool for information exchange and communication among all experts, organizations, institutions and active agents in this field, at all levels.

The AdapteCCa platform is a platform for exchange of information on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change facilitates coordination and transfer of information, knowledge and experiences in this field between the different Spanish administrations and the scientific community, planners and managers, both public and private, and other agents, allowing a multi-directional communication channel between them.

The National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change (PNACC) is the general framework for the activities of assessing impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in our country. In this context, AdapteCCa contributes to reinforce the structure of the PNACC axis of mobilization of actors and the pillar coordination between administrations.
At European level, the main reference is the European Adaptation Strategy. A basic pillar of this strategy is the European Adaptation Platform, Climate-Adapt. This is an initiative of the European Commission to promote access and exchange of information about adaptation on the different sectors within the European policies and on the different Member States frameworks and initiatives.
The AdapteCCa national platform has been designed taking into full consideration and seeking maximum synergy with the European Climate-Adapt platform. In the design and development of AdapteCCa, the European Commission and the European Environment Agency has an important role to maximize the complementarity between both platforms.

Team: Spanish Climate Change Office and the Biodiversity Foundation

Main functions:

  • AdapteCCa Database
  • Climate Change Scenarios
  • Practical cases of adaptation

Intended audiences:

  • AdapteCCa is an open and collaborative platform that thrives on the contributions of all people working on climate change adaptation.

Focus sectors for the platform:

Many natural resources, socio-economic sectors, geographical areas and ecological systems are vulnerable to climate change in Spain. The detailed knowledge of their impacts and their vulnerability is the basis for integrate adaptation to climate change in their planning and management, main goal of the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change.


  • Climate and Climate Change Scenarios
  • Human Health
  • Water resouces
  • Natural heritage, biodiversity and protected areas
  • Forestry, desertification, hunting and fishing
  • Agriculture, livestock, fishing, aquaculture and food
  • Coasts and marine envinroment
  • City, Urban planning and Building
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Energy
  • Mobility and transport
  • Industry
  • Tourism
  • Finacial system and insurance activity
  • Disaster risk reduction
  • Research and Innovation
  • Education and society
  • Peace, security and social cohesion

Transversal aspects of adaptation

  • Territorial vulnerability
  • Social vulnerability
  • Cross-border effects
  • Gender mainstreaming
  • Preventing maladaptation and removing perverse incentives
  • Evaluation of Costs and Benefits of Adaptation
  • Orientation towards action

Territorial Approach

  • Mountain areas
  • Islands and insular regions
  • Rural areas
  • Other integrated territorial analyses