Climate Change: From Learning to Action – UN CC:eLearn Online Course

Explore this 6 module course, created by experts from WMO, UNFCCC Secretariat and UN Environment, which provides an introduction to climate change, its effects, and adaptation options through videos, activities, and quizzes.
Multiple Authors
a white jagged iceburg floats in grey waters in front of blue snowy mountains, with a cloudy sky
Indicators of climate change (Module 1)
  • Level: Introductory
  • Time commitment: 12 hours
  • Learning product: online course
  • Sector: multi-sector
  • Language: English
  • Certificate available: from UN CC:e-Learn

This course is hosted on UN CC:e-Learnfunded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – see the SDC Climate Change and Environment Network on weADAPT for more information. Please find the course, where you can download the syllabus and enrol for full access here.


The Climate Change: from Learning to Action course developed for the UN CC:e-Learn platform helps participants to understand what climate change is, how it affects you and others, and what can be done to address it. After completing the course, participants will be able to answer the following:

  • What is climate change?
  • How do we adapt to the negative impacts of climate change?
  • What opportunities exist for a low carbon future?
  • How do we plan and finance climate actions?
  • How do climate negotiations work?

Participants will also be able to develop a concrete action plan or project to tackle climate change.

The course is composed of six modules. Each module takes two hours to complete and features videos, lessons and exercises that give you an overview of a different aspect of climate change.

*This article provides an overview of the course with selected videos acting as tasters. The full course with all videos, quizzes plus learning material can be accessed here through a free registration on the UNCC:e-Learn website.

Institutional background and trainer

The first edition of the UN CC: Learn Introductory course on Climate Change was launched in Spring 2014 in English. It features six interactive modules and six quizzes. Since its launch, the course has been one the flagship training resource on the UN CC:Learn platform, generating more than 100 000 registration and over 15 000 certificates issued.

The new course on Climate change aims to build and improve the original in several dimensions: New and up to date information; improved design and usability and more engagement and practical use for learners.

The course is adminitered by six experts from WMO, UNFCCC Secretariat and UN Environment Personnel lead by Maxx Diley (Director, Climate Prediction and Adaptation, World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Who would find this useful?

The ultimate goal of the course is to upscale global climate literacy by providing general understanding about climate change to a large number of potential change agents.

The course should be of particular interest to the following individuals: public officials; environmental managers in the private and NGO sector; students, teachers and academic staff plus anyone who wants to take climate action!

Engaging with the course

You can learn according to your own needs, interests and time availability. The time and efforts you put in the course will correspond to your climate abilities.

Three levels of climate learning and can be obtained via the course based on interests:

  • Level 1 – Understanding climate- Watch all the video and complete all quizzes.
  • Level 2 – Teaching about climate – Watch all the videos and complete the lessons and quizzes.
  • Level 3 – Acting on climate challenges– Watch all the videos and complete the lessons, activities and quizzes.


  • Module 1: What is climate change?
  • Module 2: How do we adapt to climate change?
  • Module 3: How do we mitigate climate change?
  • Module 4: How do we plan and finance action on climate change?
  • Module 5: How do climate change negotiations work?
  • Module 6: Tackling climate change in practice

Learning outcomes

Overall, the course aims to help anybody to understand climate change and what it means for them and the world. After completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain what climate change is
  • Describe how we plan to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change
  • Identify opportunities for low carbon development
  • Identify ways to plan and finance climate actions
  • Explain how climate negotiations work
  • Formulate a climate pledge, project or policy.